Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Cize Day 8 Menu

One of my favorite things about summer is that it's tomato season. And tomato season means SALSA! Fresh salsa. Fresh as in I go into my backyard and get some tomatoes and cilantro and then make them into salsa. It is awesome. And I love it. And so I put salsa with everything I can think of. As you can see from my menu today!

Salsa and Veggie Egg Scramble - 1 green, 1 red (the link will just take you to my typical scramble recipe - I just added some salsa in place of tomatoes here.)
Salmon, Roasted Cauliflower, and Whole Wheat Angel Hair Topped with Salsa - 1 green, 1 red, 1 yellow
Fruited Kale Salad - 1 green, 1/2 purple, 1 orange (the recipe calls for avacado, but I left it off so I could have cheese with my burrito)
Bean Burrito - 1 red, 1 blue, 1/4 green, 1 yellow (beans are typically counted as a yellow, but sometimes I count them as a red - it is allowed for those following a vegetarian diet - and sometimes I want to not eat meat - but count it as another yellow if you want)
Simple Shaken Chocolate Shake-o - 1 red
Apples with Cinnamon and Peanut Butter - 1.5 purple, 2 Tsp

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