Friday, June 17, 2016

Confessions of a Beachbody Coach #12

Confession: I AM CHEAP!!! Like, I may be the cheapest person I know. Both of my kids are clothed almost entirely of hand-me-downs, and so am I. I hate having to run the a/c or heater so before we had kids the thermostat was set yo 60 in the winter and 80 in the summer (now it's between 68 and 78). I keep my curtains closed all summer to keep the heat down, so we live in the dark. We rarely go out to eat because it's cheaper to eat at home. I've reused ziplocks. I clip coupons and do all my shopping at Walmart so I can price-match. I won't tell you any more of my money pinching gimmicks because I don't want to embarrass myself too much. You get the idea. I have a hard time spending money. I am fine with giving money away when I see a need, but spending money is hard for me. I have already confessed about taking a year before coming around to buying Shakeology and explained some of the reasons I was reluctant and what things helped me resolve my concerns. (If you missed it and are interested you can read about it here:
But the clincher for me to trying it (besides the money-back guarantee ;) ) was doing some research and finding out HOW GOOD IT IS FOR ME! I didn't do all my resaerch before trying it, but I did enough to know it was going to be as healthy as it claim.s But I just got through going through ingredient by ingredient to see what the health benefits of each ingredient are. And let me tell you, I was blown away. It helps EVERYTHING! Or at least it seems to. You are welcome to do the same as I did to find out for yourself. Or, if you don't want to take the time, you can just check out this list of all the things it helps with!!!
Anemia; Anti-bacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal; Antidepressant/anxiety; Arthritis pain; Brain Health (including dementia); bone density; breast milk production; cancer; cardiovascular health; cholesterol; cellular health; chronic fatigue syndrome; dental health; diabetes; digestion (and digestive disorders such as Chron’s disease); boost energy; erectile dysfunction; fibromyalgia; reduce food allergies; headaches; HIV/AIDS; hormone balance; immune system; infertility; inflammation; kidney functioning and other renal health (e.g. bladder infections); liver function; menopause symptoms; muscle growth and toning; respiratory health (including asthma and allergies); prevents seizures; sexual support; skin and hair health; stress; thyroid function; sleep and sleep; vision; weight loss
Isn't that incredible!!! So, for me, $4 a day is worth such an investment in my health, not just my current health, but my future health as well! What about you? Are you ready to try it? Even for a month? Remember - money-back guarantee! Try it, you'll like it.
If you are ready to try it email me at and I will get you hooked up!

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