Monday, June 27, 2016

Cize Day 19 Food

Today my kids and I met my daughter's birth grandma for lunch. She is so good to BOTH my kids, and my husband and me too! We totally lucked out! Anyway, my daughter chose Chick-fil-A. So, I did the best I could and got the Mexican Grilled Chicken Salad. It's actually pretty healthy I think. Another enjoyable day of eating tasty food.

Veggie and Egg Scramble - red, green
Apple Pie a la Mode Shake-o - red, purple, orange
Apple Slices with Cinnamon - purple
Grilled Chicken Salad - green, red, 1/2 yellow, blue
Sauteed Chicken and Green Beans over Quinoa - red, green1.5 yellow, 2 tsps

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