Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Confessions of a Beachbody Coach #13

Confession #13: I take Sundays off! I take seriously the commandment that the Sabbath should be a day of rest. And I need that day to recuperate. When I was in middle school I started making sure I never left my homework to Sunday. I remember one time in high school I was given a HUGE packet of math homework to do one weekend. The problem was, it was the same weekend that I had church activities all afternoon and evening Friday, and all day Saturday. I did not have any time to work on the packet. My plan was to wake up early Monday morning and do it all. I had two close friends that not only had the same math teach (and thus the same homework packet) but also had the same church activities over the weekend. They both worked on their packets on Sunday, and they each called me to see how mine was going. When I told them my plan of waking up early Monday morning to do it they both voiced their concern that there was no way I would be able to do it, that they had already spent several hours on it and still hadn't completed it. Now, they are both much more intelligent than me and better at school, so they scared me. But still, I was determined to have that 24 hour period of rest from all labor. So I went to bed around 8 and woke up at 1. I expected it would take me until 5/5:30, at which time I would need to get ready for seminary and school. I GOT IT DONE IN ONE HOUR! The entire thing! And so I went back to bed. My testimony of the importance of using the Lord's gift to us of the Sabbath as a day of rest grew that day. And I still feel confident that when I abstain from all labor on that sacred day I am blessed.
SO, I never do workouts on Sunday. I may go for a walk with my family and/or dog, but that's as strenuous as it gets. I don't do anything that would cause someone else to have to work. I do as little work around my house as possible. And I don't do any business work on Sundays either. My Sundays are all about my God and my family. So if I post anything on Facebook those days it will be about one of those things, God or family. I won't respond to business texts or messages. It's my day off folks. I do, however, stick to my meal plan :).
In what ways do you honor the Sabbath?

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