Thursday, June 9, 2016

Public Service Announcement: Which Breast Milk Storage Bags To Use

I have nourished both my babies almost entirely on donated breast milk the first year of their lives. Since we have used so much frozen breast milk I have a LOT of experience with milk storage bags. As in, I've used literally thousands. There are several different brands, but the ones most frequently used are Lansinoh, Up and Up, Madela, and Nuk. Lansinoh is by far the most used. Because of that I feel the need to get the word out - LANSINOH IS BY FAR THE WORST!!!!!!!! Lansinoh bags leak way more than any other type of milk bag. In fact, they leak 25-33% of the time. They leak so frequently that when I defrost them I always have to put them in another bag so I don't lose all the milk. If I had to choose between buying Lansinoh bags and just buying freezer ziplocks, I'd go with the ziplocks. They are a waste of money. Don't do it. Up and Up are better, but not awesome, they leak 10-25% of the time. Madela are better, leaking about 5-10% of the time. Nuk are my fav! They leak less than 5%. They are the best investment. So if you plan to freeze breast milk do yourself a favor and just get the Nuk bags. You don't want to go to all the time and effort of pumping just to see your milk wash down the drain.
Another option is to skip milk bags all together and freeze your milk in ice cube trays made for baby food, with covers, I have some that I love! Then you just put the cubes in freezer ziplocks. This is a great method because not only will you not lose milk to leaking bags, you can defrost exactly how many ounces you want at a time.

This kind by OXO is what I use and I love them!
Just thought you'd like to know. You're welcome :).
#publicserviceannouncement #milkbagexpert #thankstoallmilkdonors #myheros #justsaynotolansinoh

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