Thursday, June 9, 2016

Rootbeer Float Shake-o

Have you ever made blended rootbeer floats? Do you like them? If so, this Shakeology recipe is for you. But here's the best part, not only will you feel like you're drinking a blended RB float, you'll be getting it with far fewer calories while at the same time having your healthiest meal of the day - essentially fueling your body with 9 servings of fruits and vegetables plus tons of protein and other nutrients! And at about the same cost as a RB float. Who could say no to this baby?

Rootbeer Float Shake-o
1 cup water (carbonated or still) or almond milk (or other milk of choice)
1 scoop vanilla Shakeology
1/4 tsp rootbeer extract
1 cup ice
Blend it all up and enjoy!

#dessertsthatmakeyouhealthier #quickeasyhealthydelicious #healthyfastfood #rootbeerfloatanyone

If you don't have any Shakeology yet let's fix that! Contact me at: and we'll talk about ways you can get it at a discount!

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