Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Is It Worth It?

If someone asked you to jump between two buildings that were 30 stories high, and 10 feet apart, would you do it? What if they offered to pay you $100? $1000? $10,000? How about $1,000,000? What about if the building you needed to jump to was on fire and your child was on top of that building, and the only chance she/he had of not burning to death was if you could make that jump, would you do it then?

When we have sufficient motivation then the cost of the obstacle becomes far less important, right?

So what if there was something that was guaranteed to make you healthier, to increase your energy, to decrease your pain, to help you lose weight, to help your body fight illness/disease/etc.? Would it be worth trying?

That's how I feel about Shakeology. I know at $4 per shake it is a little more than people may feel comfortable with on a daily basis. But if it is guaranteed to help you feel better, isn't it worth it? Isn't it worth at least trying for a month, knowing that if you don't see any results from drinking it you can send it back for a full refund? Isn't it worth it?

Comment or email me at amandacolbyfitness@gmail.com and I will help you get your Shakeology so you can feel all the amazing results of better health! And get it at a discount!

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