Monday, June 6, 2016

Cize for the next 30 days!!!

I started a new 30-day challenge today, and with it a new workout program. I'm doing Cize this time.
I did the first workout this morning. When I showed it to Abby she said "that's a silly workout." I asked her if she was going to do it with me (she usually does at least part of my workout with me) and she said "No, I don't do silly workouts. I'm mature." Love her!
It is definitely not a traditional workout. It's just dancing. Each workout you learn a different dance routine. It's not going to cause my body to change as much as 21dfx did, but it's a fun change. And the 8 minute ab workout with it is pretty good.
It says to video yourself the first time you do a dance routine and then again once you've mastered it. Well, I did video myself. Not sure that I'll be sharing that - I definitely have room for improvement .
I have a great group of people to support me and hold me accountable to getting my workouts in and keeping my nutrition on point over the next 30 days. If you would like to be added to my group it is not to late - just let me know.

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