Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Cize Day 21 Menu

I have an egg scramble almost every morning, but I was super low on veggies so opted to start with my Shakeology instead. It was delicious, of course. I thoroughly enjoyed all the food I ate today, actually. I LOVE grilled cheese sandwiches. I unfortunately burned mine today, but it was still fantastic. And even though those sauteed tomatoes may not look that good, I LOOOOOOOOVE them! One of my favorite toppings for pasta!

Chocolate Banana Nutter - red, purple, 2 tsps
Tuna Salad Over Spinach - red, 1.5 green
Cottage Cheese - red
Grilled Ham and Cheese - yellow, blue, red, 1 tsp
Strawberries - purple
Sauteed Tomatoes and Whole Wheat Spaghetti - yellow, 1.5 green, 1 tsp

#21dayfixapproved #21dayfixapprovedmenu #cizefood #cleaneating #realfood #realfoodthattastesgood #wholefood #quickeasyhealthydelicious #yourbeachbodycoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife

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