Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Cize Day 20 Menu

More tasty food that fuels my body with the nutrients it needs! For my mid-morning snack I decided I wanted to have brownie batter dip with apples. I mixed up my dip and went to the fridge to get the apple to slice up and found someone else beat me to it. So, I ate it with my fork. It was still delicious :).

Veggie and Egg Scramble - red, green
Almonds - blue
Brownie Batter Dip - red, 2 tsps
Peach - 1/2 purple
Pork Stir-fry Over Quinoa - red, green, yellow, 1 tsp
Kiwi - 1/2 purple
Watermelon - purple
Sauteed Chicken and Veggies with Quinoa - red, green, yellow, 1 tsp

#21dayfixapproved #21dayfixapprovedmenu #cizefood #cleaneating #realfood #realfoodthattastesgood #wholefood #quickeasyhealthydelicious #yourbeachbodycoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife

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