Thursday, June 16, 2016

Cize Day 10 Menu you guys! I ate so good today. I mean, it tasted SO GOOD! And it was all good for me. And easy to make!
Have you ever had a day when you enjoyed your food so much you felt like you could eat the same thing every day, for the rest of your life, and be totally content? That's how I felt about my food today. 
When I finished my morning workout I didn't feel like eating eggs right away like I usually do. I was about to make a shake but then felt like I really wanted to chew something. So I came up with this Brownie Batter Dip. It was AMAZING! Seriously. Dessert for breakfast! And without any guilt because I was eating so many vitamins and other nutrients! Don't worry, I'll type up the recipe and share it with you soon so you can enjoy it too!
And then I came up with this Citrus Bliss Parfait - sweet goodness it was good.
Tried a new fajita recipe. I will tweak the recipe the next time I make them to fit my tastes a little more, but still totally enjoyed them.
Anyway, it was all amazing!

Veggie and Egg Scramble - green and red
Slice Cucumber - green
Citrus Bliss Parfait - red, purple, orange, 1/2 yellow
Brownie Batter Dip with Apples - red and purple (and 2 tsps because I added in some PB - but it would be good without it too.)
Steak Fajitas - red, green, yellow

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