Monday, June 20, 2016

Cize Day 13 menu

Another day of delicious clean eating. It was all tasty. Chocolate Banana Nutter Shakeology is my go to - it's delicious and I pretty much always have the ingredients. I make it a lot, and pretty much the same every time. So I am not sure why tonight's was different, but somehow I got it right on because it was the best I've ever done! It was PERFECTION! Thick and creamy and delicious! Hopefully I'll be able to replicate it again!

Salsa, Spinach, and Egg Scramble - red and green
Mixed Berry Parfait - red, 1/2 yellow, 1/2 purple, orange
Watermelon - 1/2 purple
Chicken and white sauce Mexican Lasagna (recipe to come), plus steamed broccoli - red, 1.5 yellow, blue, 2 green
Chocolate Banana Nutter Shake-o - red, purple, 2 tsp

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