Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Cize Day 14 Menu

A weird thing just happened to me. I was on my way to go to bed when I realized I hadn't eaten the parfait I had planned to today. And then when I was cutting up the watermelon to make it, I realized I hadn't eaten ANY fruit yet today. That never happens to me. I would totally live on fruit if I could. But I just haven't been at all hungry today so I forgot all about it! I know it's not super healthy to eat right before going to bed but it's also not good to eat too few calories, so it just had to happen. Anyway, here is what I ate. 
Veggie and Egg Scramble - red, green
Watermelon - purple
Fajitas - red, yellow, blue
Mint Chocolate Chip Shakeology - red, yellow, green, blue
Minted Watermelon Parfait -
red, purple, orange

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