Monday, June 20, 2016

Don't Be A Pain

Don't you just love Maya Angelou? I do! So wise!

I am just starting my third week of Cize. Although it is definitely not as intense a workout as 21 Day Fix Extreme was, I still started off sore from doing it. It seemed kind of strange since after a few days of 21 DFX I didn't get sore anymore even though I was pushing myself. But I guess that's the thing about changing your workout up. Your body will get used to moving in certain ways, so even if you challenge yourself with heavier weights or more resistance or going faster, your body already knows how to move in that way. When you change up your workout and make your body more in a new way, you start using different muscles. So it's just a different kind of a challenge. So remember, even if you love your workout (whether it be a video, or running, or just doing weights, or whatever) it's still good to change it up sometimes! And even though you may feel more pain, you don't need to be a pain ;).

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