Friday, June 24, 2016

Exercising Your Brain

If someone were to ask you what you do to exercise your brain what would you say? Most people would say something like Sudoku, cross word puzzles, Scrabble, reading, learning something new, etc. And I agree, all of those things can exercise your brain. But, did you know that physical exercise can also exercise your brain. And I don't just mean that exercise is good for your over all brain health (which it is). Exercise can actually challenge your brain to form new synapses, new neural circuits, new wiring! Now, if you always do the same kind of workout that is not going to form new circuits. It will just reinforce ones already there. But when you do something that actually requires concentration to do (and I don't just mean concentrating on pushing through the pain or something) you are working on new wiring. That is what Cize is for me (or really learning any new dance.) I have to concentrate on how and when to move my body, and some new synapses are formed. Brain exercise! Try it out, it's good for you!

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