Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Cinnamon Apple Parfait

I love yogurt. I love parfaits. They're so versatile. You really can put it whatever suits your fancy. But this is one that I frequently through together, because, as they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Plus, pecans and cinnamon are also super good for you!

Cinnamon Apple Parfait
3/4 cup plain yogurt (Greek or not, your choice)
2 Tbs rolled oats
1/2 cup diced apple
2 Tbs chopped pecans
Cinnamon to taste
1/2 stevia (optional)

Mix it all together. That's it. Super simple. Super yum!

21 Day Fix counts - 1 red, 1/2 yellow, 1/2 purple, orange (you can factor in the optional stevia into your yellow count if you want.)

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