Saturday, June 18, 2016

Cize Day 12 Menu

Another day of Cize, another day of clean, healthy, real food that tastes great! Do you see how my spoon is resting on top of my Shakeology? That's because I like it thick like ice cream, so I eat it with a spoon. My husband likes it thinner and drinkable. I put about twice as much ice in mine as he does. Good thing it can be made to taste ;).

Salsa and Veggie Scramble - red, green
Chocolate Banana Nutter - purple, red, 2 tsps, 1/2 yellow (I made it with almond milk)
Cottage Cheese, Mango, and Almonds - red, 1/2 purple, orange
Steak Fajitas with beans - red, green, blue, 1.5 yellow (I actually divided mine into 3 fajitas tonight - could have been just 2 though, which would be 1 yellow)
Spinach and Strawberry Salad - green, 1/2 purple

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