Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Why The Diet Cycle Fails

Has this ever happened to you? You have gotten yourself all psyched up to lose weight. You start your diet (reduce calories, add exercise – make a plan, pick fitness program, meals planned out, gung ho – lose a few pounds the first few days), you do great for 10 days – 14 days, but with your reduced food intake you're also reducing your nutrient intake, you have become nutrient deficient.* You start feeling tired and irritable. This is when temptation and frustration really set it.  Food is smelling really good and you’re thinking “This really sucks, I’m hungry and I feel terrible” and everyone around you is eating all this yummy smelling and looking food and you’re craving it and you start thinking how this is what happens to you every time. And so you give-in and eat that pizza (or whatever). And then you get down on yourself. You think "I start out great and then I feel terrible and I cave in.” and that's when the guilt sets in and you just give up, until the next time.

This cycle is all because you are nutrient deficient. If you get the right nutrients your cravings go away, you have more energy, you feel better, and you do more. Your body recovers more so weight loss becomes a by-product of great nutrition. Typical dieting is doing the opposite. Asking more from our bodies while cutting calories (so nutrients) and then we feel miserable. No one wants to stick with something they feel terrible doing.

So what's the solution? Is there any way to still get the nutrients you need while also reducing calories so you can lose weight. Why, yes there is! It's Shakeology! In every serving there are enough nutrients to fuel your body for SEVERAL days. And at only 130-170 calories (depending on flavor)!

Maybe you are tired of spending money on trying all the different diet drinks, pills, etc. You've spent too much and they have never worked? Shakeology comes with a 30-day money back guarantee! So, if you try it and it doesn't help you, you haven't lost anything! Just send it back and get a full refund! You have nothing to lose (except that unwanted weight!)

If you are ready to kick the diet cycle to the curb and really take charge of your health comment or email me at amandacolbyfitness@gmail.com and I'll tell you the different options for getting Shakeology at a discount!

*It is almost impossible to cut your calories without cutting your nutrients – when you look at RDA and you see how much of each nutrient you are supposed to get each day that is based on a 2000 calorie diet, but when dieting you cut your calories to 1200 or so plus adding exercise and you aren’t getting all the nutrients your body is craving, so you get tired because you’re trying to do more with less nutrition.

#dietcycle #faileddiet #nutrientdeficient #endthecycle #loseweightthehealthyway #letsdoitotgether #yourbeachbodycoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife

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