Sunday, July 17, 2016

Towards Your Promised Land

Have you ever searched for your promised land and felt like maybe it just wasn't out there? I have. More than once. But the most prominent experience was when I was in search of building my family, and it wasn't happening. At least not how I planned on it happening, or when. Infertility was a vast wilderness. And when we first embarked on our journey I felt so lost. Until I finally relinquished my plan and chose to follow the light God offered. He was our guiding light, and he prepared the way for us, to not only find the promised land of our beautiful family, but our extended adopted birth families as well.
How has He led you to your promised land?

#heismylight #keepthecommandments #mypromisedland #christian #lds #bookofmormon #nephi #iamamormon #truth #godislove #heleadsmyway

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