Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Pizzadilla

I saw something like this on Pinterest years ago and never got around to trying it out. And now that I have, I wish I had tried it years ago! Think pizza meets quesadilla, because that's what it is. You can make it however you like, basically you take anything you'd put on a pizza, and put it on a tortilla. You just make it like you would a quesadilla, on a pan on the stove, over medium heat. You can make it however you like! What I did was take a whole wheat tortilla, lay it on my pan, and sprinkle on some mozzarella cheese. I let that melt a bit, then spread a thin layer of tomato sauce on that. I put a layer of spinach on one half and a layer of tomato slice on the other. Once they were warmed through I folded it up, sliced it, and wondered why it had never occurred to me to make such a creation before. We've had them several times since! Yum!

#21dayfixapproved #cizefood #quickeasyhealthydelicious #realfood #wholefood #realfoodthattastesgood #cleaneating #yourbeachbodycoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife #pizzadilla

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