Friday, July 1, 2016

I Am Mature

This little cutie has been very involved in my fitness journey. If I don't start out my day with my workout she tells me I need to do my exercise. If I rest a second too long while doing it, she lets me know it's time to start again. She loves drinking Shakeology along with me. Whenever anything Beachbody comes it's like Christmas, she loves opening the packages. Whenever I get a new program she likes to look at all the different cases and inserts and everything. She likes to do the workouts beside me, and later in the day I often catch her doing the exercises on her own.
When I got Cize she took it from me to check it all out. Then said "That is a sill exercise." I asked her if she was going to do it with me. "No, I don't to silly exercises. I am mature." Well, I thought surely she would end up doing it with me. She did 21 Day Fix with me almost every day. And she LOVES dancing. I thought it would be the perfect workout for her. But, even though she has done a few minutes of it a couple times, she's stuck pretty much true to her word. I guess she's just too mature for Cize!

#Abbyisms #Abbysthebest #ilovecize #theendofexercise #itsdifferentthough #toomature

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