Friday, July 22, 2016

Tip of the Day: Eggs

Do you know how you can tell what color egg a hen will lay? By the color of their ear lobe. If it is white, their eggs will be white. If it is colored, the eggs will be colored.
Did you know that the color of the egg in no way determines the nutritional value of the egg? I guess some people believe that because brown eggs cost more they must be more nutritious. It isn't true. They aren't. They cost more because the highest laying hens are a bread that lay white eggs. So hens that lay brown eggs lay fewer eggs so it costs the farmer more to keep brown egg-laying hens.
The nutritional value of eggs is determined by what the hen eats. So if you want increased nutritional value get eggs that come from free-range chickens. When the chickens are free to roam around they can eat more insects, thus increasing the protein and other nutrients in their eggs. And free-range organic eggs are even better.
Also, if you are lucky enough to be able to get eggs directly from a farmer don't wash them until you are about to use them. Once you wash them they start to go bad. But if you leave them unwashed they will stay fresh for over a month.

#tipoftheday #tipsforhealthyeating #eggs #eggseveryday #nowyouknow #yourbeachbodycoach #abalancedlife #wholesoulfitness

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