Thursday, July 28, 2016

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Dip

After I came up with, and immediately fell in love with, the brownie batter dip, I started dreaming up other dip ideas. I love peanut butter cookies. And I love peanut butter with apples. And I totally loved dipping my apples in this super healthy and nutrient dense Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Dip!

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Dip
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
1/4 cup almond milk (or water or other milk of choice)
4 tsps PB, chunky or smooth (the real stuff made from just peanuts - I made it with smooth but I think I would like it even better with chunky) * 4 tsps = 1 Tbs plus 1 tsp
Add some cinnamon if you want :)

Mix it all together, then start dipping. I loved it with apples but bananas would be good to, or anything really. And remember, no guilt, because you're eating your healthiest meal of the day!

If you don't have any Shakeology yet let's fix that! Contact me at: and we'll talk about ways you can get it at a discount!

#dessertsthatmakeyouhealthier #dessertforbreakfast #dessertanytime #noguiltdessert #peanutbuttercookiedough #shakeology #shakeologylove #realfood #realfoodthattastesgood #wholefood #cleaneating #dessertdip #wholesoulfitness #yourbeachbodycoach #abalancedlife

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