Saturday, July 2, 2016

Bean Burrito

You know when you have those nights when you REALLY just do not feel like cooking, at all? Please tell me I'm not the only one that happens to. Well, it is not super infrequent for me, unfortunately. So, I have a few things we do for dinners when these nights come around. And this is one of them. Easy, delicious, and pretty healthy - at least it is 21 Day Fix approved! I love Mexican food, I seriously could eat it every single day. And I actually met a girl once who had a bean burrito every day for lunch, and was always super excited about it. So get excited! Not that you need this recipe because there's nothing really to it, it's more just the idea that you can make something so simple and still stick to the 21 DF eating plan.

Bean Burrito
1 whole wheat tortilla
2/3 cup fat free refried beans (if you have homemade it will be even healthier!)
1/3 Tbs shredded cheese
1/4-1/2 cup fresh salsa

Spread the beans down the middle of the tortilla. Sprinkle with the cheese. Microwave 30-60 seconds until the cheese is melted. Top with salsa. Roll it up.

Container counts - 2 yellow, blue, 1/4-1/2 green

#21dayfixapproved #beanburrito #cizefood #quickeasyhealthydelicious #mealsinminutes #yourbeachbodycoach #abalancedlife #wholesoulfitness #realfood #cleaneating #wholefoods #realfoodthattastesgood

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