Thursday, July 21, 2016

Peanut Butter Milkshake-o

While my husband and I were engaged I got some wisdom teeth pulled. That night, since my mouth was sore, my super sweet mom went on a run to Jamba Juice to get us some smoothies. She got some for all of us. Ryan, my husband, asked for a peanut butter one. My mom about gagged. You have to understand, my mom does not like peanut butter. All my life she'd make everyone else in the family PB&J, but never for herself. She's just not a fan. And she could not comprehend why anyone would choose to have a peanut butter smoothie. And the truth is, I would never have considered ordering one either. But when I tried Ryan's I realized it was actually really good.
Well, now, for less money, calories, and sugar, and way more nutrition, I can make this tasty treat that is just as satisfying.

Peanut Butter Milkshake-o

  • 1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
  • 1-1.5 cups almond milk (or water or other milk of choice)
  • 1 Tbs peanut butter (all natural, peanut only PB)
  • 1/2 small avocado (optional - but it makes it creamier)
  • 1-2 cups ice (depending on desired thickness)
Blend it up! Enjoy!

If you don't have any Shakeology yet let's fix that! Contact me at: and we'll talk about ways you can get it at a discount!

#shakeologylove #shakeology #quickeasyhealthydelicious #dessertsthatmakeyourhealthier #wholefood #peanutbuttermilkshake #cleaneating #realfood #realfoodthattastesgood #dessertanytime #noguilt #yourbeachbodycoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife

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