Thursday, July 14, 2016

21 Day Fix Programs on Sale!

I've mentioned it before, but I'm going to do it again. The 21 Day Fix programs are on sale this month! 
Maybe you are intimidated by the idea of exercising. Every workout has modifications, so you can do it at your level! And they are only 30 minutes - just 30 minutes a day. 30 minutes of your time to help you get healthier, to invest in your future health, to help you be a better mom/dad, wife/husband, employee. 30 minutes to increase your patience, focus, immune system, etc. 30 minutes a day really isn't that much!
Maybe you are intimidated by meal planning with containers. I TOTALLY get that - I was too, it took me a year to get past that intimidation. I WILL HELP YOU! I promise. I'll share my meal plans. I give you recipes. I'll help you count containers for your favorite recipes. I'll help you adjust your recipes to make them 21 Day Fix approved.
Maybe you are afraid to try one more fitness program because you have failed before. I am here to help you succeed! I will provide you accountability and support. I will follow up with you and help you track your activities to help you reach your goals!
Maybe you don't want to waste the money on something that may just be like what you have already done. RESULTS ARE GUARANTEED!!! Or your MONEY BACK!!!! If you don't get the results you want, or just find you can't stick with the program, or just don't enjoy it, or whatever, it is SO EASY to return them and get your money back! If you want, I'll even remind you when the time comes.
So, what are you waiting for? Let me know when you are ready and I'll help you get this amazing deal! Either program for just $10 with purchase of one-months supply of Shakeology!

#21dayfix #21dayfixextreme #Shakeology #sale#wereinittogether #helpmehelpyou#yourbeachbodycoach #moneybackguarantee#guaranteedresults #takechargeofyourfitness#wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife

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