Thursday, July 14, 2016

Teaching Children

My sister has a t-shirt that says "Motherhood is not for wimps!" I so agree, parenting is hard. And it can be really hard to teach our children to do things for themselves. There are some any times I think about how much more quickly I could get a particular task accomplished if I just did it myself, and then it would get done the way I wanted it done as well. But, I have found that as I teach Abby how to do things it not only gives her more confidence and independence, in the long run it makes things easier for me because that's one more thing she can help out with and one less thing I have to do myself. It's a great deal!

#positiveparenting #teachyourchildren #abbysthebest #motherhoodisnotforwimps #sogratefultobeamommy #bestjobever

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