Sunday, May 1, 2016

Life Lessons From Harry Potter

I have been re-listening to the Harry Potter series. I am currently listening to the 5th (The Order of the Phoenix) and am almost at the end. Harry and Dumbledore are in Dumbledore's office and Dumbledore is telling Harry some information he has previously withheld. One of the things he has just told him is why he didn't die when Voldemort tried to kill him. Love saved him. His mother died because she sacrificed herself for him. The love that she had for him acts as a shield and protects him against Vodlemorts attacks. Her blood lives on in Harry as well as his aunt Petunia. The reason why Harry had to grow up with his aunt, despite the fact that his life there was miserable, was because the common blood between his aunt and mom protect him, so as long as he can still call Petunia's house his home he is protected by the love of his mother.
As I was thinking about this concept, being protected by love, by the love of one who willingly died, I of course thought of my Savior. He sacrificed Himself for me, out of love. That same love continues to protect me from the attempts of the enemy of all righteousness to cause my destruction. But as long as I reside in Christ's love I am safe. I'm so grateful for that Love, and the one who offers it so freely, not just to me, but everyone!

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