Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is so full of so any thoughts and feelings for me. I am of course filled with love for my mom. I have the most incredible woman in the world as my mom and I lover her deeply. I think of my grandmas, they're ridiculously awesome. I think of my sisters and their examples of motherhood, and how they have mothered me. I think of my husband's mom, of what a great job she did raising him, of the love she shows me, of the help she always provides, and the incredible grandma she is to our kids. I think of his sisters and all they contribute to our family and the great aunts they are. I think of all my friends, their moms, teachers, and all the women that have touched my life and helped me become the best version of myself. And I am grateful to have been so blessed by my interactions with them all.
I think of my sweet littles and how incredibly blessed I am to get to be their mom and love on them every day.
I think of the birth moms of those kids. How their sacrifice gave me the opportunity to mother and how eternally grateful I am and how much I love them. How they love our kids as much as we do. How my heart breaks for them all the time that they don't get the opportunity for the daily hugs and smiles and everything that I get. And I pray for them, and all birth mothers. And I honor them.
And I think of all the women I know, as well as those I don't know, who want so desperately they can hardly handle it, to be moms, but haven't had the chance yet. I know what that ache is. The depth of it. The emptiness. How you feel incomplete. A pain that can't be described, and only understood by those who have felt it. And how Mother's Day can feel like such a painful reminder that you still aren't one. And I ache for and with all of these women. And I pray, all day, for them. I love you my sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am also grateful for my Heavenly Mother, Mother Eve, and my Savior.
I am thinking of you all, and hoping that you are feeling loved this Mother's Day, regardless of your motherly role at this time. Happy Mother's Day!

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