Friday, May 27, 2016

Effort Isn't Enough

Since the first week or two of special time we've had more variety in our activities. Yesterday Abby wanted to do nails again. She's in the pretty independent stage and likes to try to do things herself. She tried and tried to get the nail polish open. But she was twisting the wrong direction. No matter how hard she worked at it there was never going to be anyway she was going to get the top off.How many things in life are the same way? We put in so much effort to accomplish a goal, but if what we are doing doesn't actually have the potential to help us reach our goal, it doesn't matter how hard we work, we still won't see the desired results. Fitness, building a family, increasing spirituality, etc.#lessonsfromspecialtime #specialtimerocks#abbysthebest #enrolledintheschoolofmotherhood

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