Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Confession #6

Confession #6: I'm a sucker for money-back guarantees. If I am at all intrigued by something and it has a money-back guarantee I'm going to try it. Shakeology happens to be one of those things. 100% satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. When I ordered my first bag I decided to take a gamble and try greenberry since none of my friends had personally tried it. While it wasn't gross I didn't really love it either. So, I returned it. No problems, no questions asked. They even paid for the return shipping. I ordered a different flavor and am enjoying it more now. So, know that if you are considering Shakeology, and wondering if it will really work for you, that if you try it and find you don't like it for any reason it's super easy to return it. I know from experience.  ‪#‎guaranteesucker‬‪#‎shakeologyisawesome‬ ‪#‎beachbodycoach‬

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