Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Confessions of a Beachbody Coach #9

Confession #9: This past January I was the heaviest/chunkiest I had EVER been. I wasn't grossly overweight. Most people probably would have thought my body was just fine. And it was fine. It functioned well and I could do pretty much everything I wanted to do with it. And I wasn't miserable - I was actually happy. I had a great life and nothing really to complain about. The problem wasn't that I was unhappy or didn't like myself, and it wasn't so much the size that I was (although I hated seeing my body and had a hard time getting dressed because almost none of my clothes fit and I refused to buy more because I wasn't ready to resign myself to the size I was). The problem was that I kept getting bigger, and I didn't know what to do about it.
I knew how to eat healthy, and I did. I would say about 90-95% of what I ate would be considered healthy. I rarely ate "junk food", rarely ate out at fast food or any restaurants, rarely had dessert. Most of the packaged food I ate were things like PB with nothing other than peanuts, Shredded Wheat, Grapenuts, Lara Bars, cheese, nuts, etc. I ate lots of fruits and regularly ate vegetables. My point being, I didn't have a lot in my diet that I could recognize as harming me or that I thought I should cut out. So I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure how my weight had become something I could control.
Multiple times I had tried looking up recommended daily servings for reach of the food groups, but for some reason that never helped me. It was too complex for me to think about all the time and so I'd only make it a day or two before getting overwhelmed and giving up. I've also never been good at sticking to an exercise schedule for more than a few months at a time.
I decided in January I needed to do something different. I had known about the 21 Day Fix for over a year but had always been intimidated by trying to figure out how to follow the meal plan. But I decided it was time to get past that. I spent a week or so coming up with a 3 week calendar and planned it all out. I also enlisted 3 friends who were ready to make some changes in their lives to do it with me. And I was off.I have now done 21 Day Fix 4 times. I have lost around 20 pounds, I don't know for sure because I don't know my starting weight. But so much more importantly than how many pounds I have lost is that I now am able to eat balanced. I learned that I had been way to high on healthy fats and fruits (and some other carbs as well) and too low on vegetables and proteins. I now know how much of each type of food to eat a day to stay balanced, even without actually measuring. Eating more balanced I feel better, I have more energy, my stomach doesn't cramp, I don't get bloated. And I have established a regular exercise pattern. I'm setting an example for my kids and helping my whole family eat more balanced. And I'm able to help others take control of their fitness.
I'm going to move on from 21 Day Fix now, not because I've mastered it or because I don't think I can get more out of it - I'm sure if I did it more I would keep seeing results. I'm just ready to try something different, just change it up a bit. I haven't decided for sure what I will do next, but I'll let you know wink emoticon.
Do you have a goal you are working towards? If so, is there anything I can do to help you reach it?
Do you feel like your health or fitness are not where you want them to be but aren't sure what to do? Let's talk.
Comment below, PM me, text, call, whatever.

#Imhereforyou #confessionsofabeachbodycoach #yourbeachbodycoach #helpmehelpyou

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