Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Roasted Cauliflower

I've mentioned my roasted veggie love before. They're my fav. But of all the roasted veggies in the world roasted cauliflower is hands down my absolute all time favorite! Seriously, I could eat it all day. Every day. It's addictive. It's sweet and salty and crunchy but soft. It's amazingly fantastic. Even if you think you don't like vegetables you should try it, because you will be a veggie convert! Honestly, it's that good. And, did you know veggies that kind of look like brains, such as cauliflower, are actually really good for your brain? Now you do.

Roasted Cauliflower
1 head of cauliflower
1-2 Tbs EVOO (depending on the size of the head)
garlic salt to taste (alternatively you could use sea salt and garlic powder, but I think garlic salt is just easier and I like it so I still use it, even if it isn't considered 100% clean.)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Cut cauliflower into bite-sized florets.
Put them in a produce bag (or ziplock if that's what you have.) Pour in the EVOO and sprinkle in the garlic salt. Twist the top of the bag trapping air inside (or zip the bag as the case may be.) Bounce the cauliflower around until it is evenly coated. Lay the cauliflower out on foil lined cookie sheet (just makes clean up easier) in a single layer with a little bit of space between florets. Roast until cauliflower is golden brown - 30ish minutes.

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