Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Core de Force Launch Party!!!!!! - YOU are Invited!

I am SOOO excited to kickoff my CORE de FORCE LAUNCH party and to let you know.…YOU’RE INVITED!

Core De Force is latest in-home workout program! Its 30 days of mixed martial arts (MMA)-inspired total body workout created by Beachbody SUPER-Trainers Jericho McMatthews & Joel Freeman to blast belly fat and sculpt total body definition.
And for those of you who don't do weights or are busy on the go traveling peeps…there’s a bonus: No equipment needed!!!

I LOVE the start of a new program. This gives me an opportunity to learn right there beside my challengers. We’re in it together. We start together and we FINISH together!!!

I had the opportunity to sneak peek this workout program this week and I TOTALLY LOVED IT!!!! I can hardly wait til its release next week!!!

What is Core De Force ?
CORE DE FORCE is your 30-day countdown to a knockout body. Created by Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews, it’s the ultimate mixed martial arts-inspired workout that will knock out the belly fat, help slash inches off your waist, and carve total-body definition—no equipment required.

Who is this program designed for???
Anyone who wants to tighten up their midsection, carve a stronger core, and sculpt total-body definition. CORE DE FORCE is great for intermediate or advanced exercisers-or graduates of INSANITY MAX:30™, TurboFire®, or P90X®-but beginners and people who are looking for significant weight loss can follow the modifier and drop serious weight too.

Glen W. was feeling depressed about his weight and often felt lazy and overate. Glen committed to 3 rounds of Core De Force and lost 56 lbs. and 36.5 inches! "The twelve rounds of three minutes were awesome! I really enjoyed the pace and the intensity level. Towards the end of 90 days I rarely took my breaks, and did active recovery!"

Does it follow the PORTION FIX Eating Plan?
The CORE DE FORCE workouts and the Eating Plan included with the program are designed to help you get results quickly. The Eating Plan includes a simple strategy that helps your metabolism fight off plateaus to help you get your best possible 30-day transformation. This Eating Plan keeps things simple with grocery lists and recipes so figuring out what to eat is never a battle. There’s even a nutrition strategy that lets you eat more—to fire up your metabolism—for the best possible 30-day transformation.

The Eating Plan includes the option to incorporate Beachbody’s Portion Fix container system into your nutrition. It is designed to work seamlessly with the containers, but you do not need them to get great results with CORE DE FORCE.

What if you’re BRAND NEW to fitness?
Each MMA-inspired workout includes an optional move-by-move breakdown to help you get familiar with the punches, kicks, and combinations. Also, every workout includes a modifier who demonstrates the moves at a lower intensity. Additionally, you can also follow the “Modifier Track” exclusively on Beachbody On Demand (feature coming this winter). That way you can follow the modifier the entire time in split-screen view while you build strength and get up to speed!  

In fact, here is what Jericho Matthews (co-creator) said about it:
"We have an incredible modifier, Jessica, and she’s doing lower intensity options and versions of all the moves in the program. And what’s really cool is on Beachbody on Demand you have a split screen view option so you can follow her the entire time. So anyone just starting off on their fitness journey or if you’re coming back from a recovery or coming back from having a baby, she gives you so many different options it’s incredible". – Jericho McMatthews

What Makes this program UNIQUE?
CORE DE FORCE is packed with the best of MMA-inspired training. In 3-minute “rounds” you’ll get Boxing, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai knee-elbow combinations, bodyweight training, and cardio spikes—all designed to help you lose the belly and shred body fat.
Just hit it hard for 3 minutes at a time and before you know it, you’ll be done!

What Makes this program so EFFECTIVE?
CORE DE FORCE isn’t your run-of-the-mill Kickboxing workout. Each move, whether it’s a jab, a kick, or an uppercut, works your core from every angle. Joel and Jericho call this 360-Degree Core Training—and it’s more effective than traditional abdominal training to help you tighten up your entire midsection and carve a more defined waist.

What’s included in the Challenge pack?
Challenge Packs are the all-in-one solution that will HELP YOU achieve the best possible 30-day transformation. So what’s the full package deal???
§       CORE DE FORCE Base Kit 
    • 8 total-body workouts on 3 DVDS – (4 MMA-inspired workouts, 2 bodyweight resistance workouts, 1 CORE DE FORCE Relief Workout, and 1 Active Recovery Stretch workout)
    • 3 BONUS workouts (5 Min. Core on the Floor, and MMA Mashup)
    • Eating Plan (food lists, recipes, sample menus, and more so that figuring out what to eat is never a battle)
    • Quick-Start Guide
    •  30-Day Calendar
§       Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology
§       A Shakeology Shaker Cup
§       Color-coded containers for easy portion-controlled eating
§       Free 30-day premium trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club

What’s included in the DELUXE kit?
Want to take it one step further? Check out the deluxe kit that includes everything in the base kit PLUS:
1.    Workouts Agility Strength  – Combine fast footwork drills with bodyweight resistance to help improve coordination and blast major calories. (9 rounds – 37 mins)
2.    Agility Power  – Grab your agility ladder and rip through multifunctional training that ignites every muscle and helps shred fat for serious definition. (6 rounds – 27 mins)
3.    MMA Kick Butt – Carve lean legs and sculpted glutes with a nonstop mix of powerful kicks and calorie-scorching conditioning spikes. (9 rounds – 37 mins)
4.    An Agility ladder
 Sound good?
Ready to go?
Will you be one of my exclusive 10 participants???
And because fitness is always more fun with company — the first 5 participants who COMMIT to my launch party AND invite a friend who JOINS us too will receive a complimentary bonus gift!
Sent to you from yours truly! 
How does the group WORK?
1. Each party guest will be expected to check in daily to our accountability group using the challenge group tracker app and/or our private Facebook group.
2. Each party guest will follow the workout schedule and commit to the 4 week program. Sure you can add on some extra things, a fun run or two, but I want everyone to see the benefit from this daily program!
3. Our accountability group will provide a variety of meal plans, recipes, and ideas. Each week I will share an example meal plan. You can adapt mine or create your own – but each party guest will be expected to follow the meal plan. After all – Nutrition DRIVES results…and that’s what you’re here to get…RESULTS!!
4. One meal a day will be replaced with nutrient dense meal replacement shake – Shakeology. Shakeology will be part of the included meal plans designed to help you optimize results – and again – aren’t we all here to get RESULTS!!!??!!

How do I join?
1. The first step is to complete the application linked below so I can include you in the Launch party countdown group on Facebook.
If you’re not on Facebook you will be added to the email distribution list!
2. On November 1st, upon the official release, you will receive the action steps necessary to get your challenge pack – i.e. your recipe for success!
Let’s get this party started – There’s POWER in  numbers! 

I want in on the CORE DE FORCE launch PARTY

If you are ready to kick and punch and fight your way to amazing results with this brand NEW - MMA-INSPIRED home workout program Core de Force and be considered for a spot in my online accountability group then complete the application HERE

I am excited to begin this journey with you!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Brownie Scramble with Peanut Butter Syrup

I woke up yesterday and the idea for this came into my head, I'm not sure why. But I decided to make it, and fell in love. Do you think chocolate and peanut butter are meant to be together? Do you love peanut butter cups? Do you love brownies? If so, you may just love this too. Now, this isn't the lowest calorie meal. If I were holding to 21 Day Fix containers I probably wouldn't make it often because it would use a lot of containers. That said, it's super HEALTHY, very FILLING, totally SATISFIES SWEET-TOOTH cravings, and it's YUMMY!

Brownie Scramble 
1 small banana (or half a large)
2 eggs
1 scoop Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
Evoo or coconut oil

Peanut Butter Syrup
2 Tsp PB
1 Tsp pure maple syrup

Mash up your banana. Add the eggs and Shakeology and mix until well combined. Pour into a heated skillet coated with EVOO or coconut oil and stir until cooked through. Combine PB and syrup and heat in the microwave for a bit. Then put on top of your scramble. Then enjoy the sweet chocolatey, peanut buttery goodness and feel good that you have just done something great for your body.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Then and Now

I've mentioned before that before I started 21 Day Fix in February I was the heaviest I have ever been. I wasn't obese, or grossly overweight. But I didn't like my body. I always wore baggy clothes because none of my fitted clothes fit any more, and because I wanted to hide my body. I hated to see my body.
Since I started on my fitness journey I have lost over 20 pounds, which is great. I have lost over 20 inches, also great. My clothes fit better now and I like the look of my body better.  I'm grateful for all of those things.
But what I am more grateful for is that I am now empowered with the knowledge of how to fuel my body with proper nutrition. Nutrition that not only helps me feel better now, but I know it is an investment in my future health as well, mental and physical. I now am a consistent exerciser, something I have never really been. I am setting an example for my kids and helping my whole family eat more balanced. AND I have been blessed with the opportunity to help several of my friends toward improving their fitness! That is what Beachbody has done for me!
If you would like to learn more about how to get the right balance of nutrients so you can feel great in your own skin, and find a workout program that can help you get the results you desire, please let me know, I'd love to help you! There are so many great workouts on sale for just $10 this month when you buy a month of Shakeology. It is the perfect time to start YOUR fitness journey.

#shakeology #yourfitnessjourney #weightloss #loseweight #getfit #fitness #healthyhabits #exerciseandnutrition #yourhealthandfitnesscoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife

Friday, August 12, 2016

Tip of the Day: Early Morning Workouts Are Where It's At!

So, most mornings start the same way for me. I wake up at 6 when my husband does. I pray and read my scriptures for a half hour. Then I do my workout. Then I eat breakfast. I do this because if I don't get my prayers and scriptures as well as my workout in before my son wakes up it is much harder for me to assure that it will happen. WELL, it just so happens that there are benefits to working out before you eat in the morning! I was looking at TeamBeachbody.com today and came across an article that said this:

Strength sessions done in a fasted state first thing in the morning can potentially help the body to release maximal levels of HgH (growth hormone) which allows the body to recover, repair, and refuel for the next workout. 

Training first thing in the morning in a fasted state has been proven to help the body become more efficient at utilizing fat as a substrate. Even for those who don’t necessarily need to lose weight, Paleo practitioners believe functioning on fat as your fuel throughout the day provides for improved mental focus, balanced energy levels, and less cravings for sweets, as the latter is typically representative of a blood sugar crash in disguise.

I had no idea I was doing something good for my body by working out before I ate, but so glad to know it now!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fuzzy Chocolate

We have a peach tree in our backyard. Every other year we get tons of peaches. Like, at least 100 pounds of them. Two years ago we got so many that nearly half the branches on our tree broke from their weight. We should have thinned them, lesson learned. Even with only half the branches we used to have we still got at least 10 grocery bags full of peaches. We give loss away but even so we can'teat them fast enough. So, we freeze most of them to throw in smoothies throughout the year. Unfortunately for my husband the peaches ripened this year while I was away on a nearly month long vacation. So, he spent pretty much all his evenings for about two weeks prepping and freezing peaches. Lucky for me or freezer is now stocked with his hard work. I decided to try adding peaches to my shake today. Holy sweet goodness! So smooth and creamy and AWESOME! Grab yourself some Shakeology and frozen peaches and try it!

Take a Chance

Peaches and cottage cheese. So, so easy, quick, delicious, and good for me! 
I spent most of my life thinking I didn't like cottage cheese. I didn't care for it as a kid and so I just never ate it and thought it was because I didn't like it. Then I decided to give it a try about 5 years ago. And I totally liked it! Now eating cottage cheese with some fruit is one of my favorite treats! If I hasn't decided to try it that one day 5 years ago I would still be avoiding it. 
Maybe you have tried diet drinks in the past. Or protein shakes. And didn't care for them or get the results you wanted. And you don't want to try any more. Or maybe you've tried eating healthy and it only made you cranky. Or you just don't like to exercise? Well, if you'll give me a chance, I'll try to show you that you will LOVE Shakeology, that you can enjoy eating and get all the right nutrition for your body, and that there's a workout program that's right for YOU! What if I told you that if you took the chance you'd be protected with a money back guarantee so if I'm wrong you haven't lost anything. Would you be ready to take a chance then?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Confessions of a Beachbody Coach #14

Confession: I am not nearly as hardcore as I would like to think I am. I just got back from a nearly month-long vacation. I had intended to get a workout in every day. I intended to drink my Shakeology every day. I had intended to keep my nutrition closer to my ideal. However, none of these intentions were realized. While I was pretty active most days with hiking, swimming, carrying my son in a carrier while pushing my daughter in a stroller and walking tons, etc., I only did actual workouts a few times. Only on days when I felt like my body was mad at me for not doing a better job. I did drink my shakes several times, but not every day. They fill me up and there was lots of other stuff I wanted to eat. I ate mostly healthy stuff, but not balanced. And then there was the nightly ice cream when I was staying with my parents and sister. And that Cheesecake Factory cheesecake. Oops! And really, while I was visiting with my family and friends I was really just more focused on spending time with and enjoying them than sticking to my fitness goals. I gained 3 pounds during those 3.5 weeks. I'm not the best example I guess. But you know what, I'm okay with it. I've come to terms with the fact that I don't love working out and probably never will. I am not a gym rat. I usually feel pretty good whether I exercise or not. I feel better when I do, but the difference isn't drastic for me. Same with eating balanced, I feel better when I do, and I do feel gross when I've eaten lots of fat or sugar, but since I generally eat healthy things I feel fine most of the time. But, I'm also a researcher. I know from the research I have done that regular exercise is good for me - for my body and my brain. Same with eating balanced, clean foods. Same with Shakeology. These things are all good for me,. Whether I feel hugely different when I do them or not I know intellectually that they help me be healthier now and are an investment in my future health. So, MOST OF THE TIME, I will keep doing them on a daily basis. But once in a while, like when I'm on vacation, I may not be 100% faithful, and I'm okay with it. I don't think I will have any long-term negative affects as a result. But that's just me :). What do you think? But, FYI, I'm back in the game now :).

#confessionsofabachbodycoach #vacation #threeandahalfweeksoffun #familyandfriends #fitnessfail #worthit #yourhealthandfitnesscoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife