Monday, April 25, 2016

Hemp Seeds Anyone?

Several months ago my friend and coach, Allison Costa, posted a list of several super foods. I don’t remember what all was on the list (I know kale and avacados but don’t remember the rest) but as I read through it was pleased to see that I regularly incorporated in my diet all of them. All but one that is. The one I didn’t consume was hemp seeds. I’d never even heard of eating hemp seeds. So, of course, I decided to look into them. Google hemp seed health benefits – there are lots. They are a great source of whole protein as well as fatty acids. I bought some a couple months ago, and then let them sit in my pantry because I didn’t know what to do with them. A day or two ago I decided to mix them in with Mikey’s food – he loves meat but doesn’t always get it if it’s too hard for him to chew – I thought it would be a good way to increase his protein. He seemed to like his food. And then this morning when I was making my egg scramble I figured what the heck, might as well try it, and I added a tablespoon or two. Hemp seeds don’t have a very strong flavor and I really didn’t notice any difference in taste. There was a little difference in texture but not unpleasant. I think I’ll do it again. 
 ‪#‎hempseeds‬ ‪#‎tryityoulllikeit‬ ‪#‎quickeasyhealthydelicious‬ ‪#‎beachbodycoach‬ ‪#‎realfood‬

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