Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Confession #2

Confession #2. When I first started doing 21 Day Fix I was so weak I couldn't really do push-ups, not real ones. Embarrassing, I know. But I have always had wimpy arms, and I was okay with it. When it came time to do push-ups I just did them on my knees. Abby used to ask me why I was doing them wrong - I told her I wasn't strong enough. But I have gotten stronger and the past two times (including this morning) when it came time to do push-ups I did real ones - on my feet. I take them slow, but I do them. Now, Abby tells me "You can do them on your knees, you're not strong enough." Haha. Well, she isn't ALWAYS right. And soon she will know her mama can do hard things and get stronger and I CAN do push-ups. ‪#‎confessionsofabeachbodycoach ‬‪#‎icandohardthings‬ ‪#‎strongereveryday‬

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