Thursday, April 14, 2016

Fitness = Healthier, Stronger, Feeling Better

When I got my first group of friends together for an accountability and support group I really did it for selfish reasons - I needed the motivation to stay committed to completing the 21 Day Fix program - both the eating and workout parts. Luckily, the group and commitment didn't just benefit me, we all were helped by it. We were all hoping for our bodies to downsize. And we did, we all shrunk. But one of my friends didn't shrink as much as she hoped. However, what she got from it was something none of us were anticipating when we first committed, and way more important than size. She ended up having to have surgery last week. She had 3 incisions in her abdomen. The doctor said the recovery can take up to 2 months - it was fairly brutal. But from her workouts and healthy eating she got stronger, lots stronger. And that strength has made her recovery easier and quicker. She is feeling great! She knows she is doing so much better than she would have been had she not challenged herself to get more fit. Getting fit isn't about what size pants you fit into - it's about getting healthier, stronger, feeling better in all aspects of your life and about who you are. I love doing support and accountability groups because I love being part of these positive changes people are experiencing (I'm selfish like that wink emotico).

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