Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Have you thought about wellness is, about being fully healthy. Here is what it means to me... balance.
I have been thinking a lot this past week or so about fitness, health, Beachbody coaching, etc. I took a week off of posting on here to just think (did you miss me at all?). I wanted to be certain that coaching was for me before I really dove in and committed. I thought I had done that before I started posting a few weeks ago, but then I got unsure. It was taking time, and effort. Posting on Facebook doesn't come easy to me, to tell you the truth. I like reading other people's posts and am happy to comment, but I don't usually share much about my personal life. And I wasn't sure it was worth the commitment to Beachbody. But after all this contemplation I have decided I'm committed. There are LOTS of reasons for this, and I'll share them all, eventually.
But the main thing I have been thinking about lately is balance. First I thought about balance with my meals. That is what really drew me to the 21 Day Fix. It taught me how to eat a balanced diet in a way I could understand and live on a daily basis. I also thought about balanced exercise. Another thing I like about 21 Day Fix is that it incorporates cardio, strength, and stretching - all of which are super important in a exercise program, and I think it's a pretty good balance of the 3. But this week I've been thinking about a balanced life. I've been in pursuit of a balanced life for as long as I've been trying to balance my diet and exercise. I'm still a work in progress. But I'm making progress, and that's the important thing.
I have been following a blog for over 8 years now. It's my friend Stephanie's blog, I started reading it after her daughter Camille drowned. Following the passing of her daughter she often wrote about how important it was for her to daily do something from each of the four areas of health - something physical, something mental, something spiritual, and something social. (I think Stephen R Covey may be the one who introduced this concept in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.) I have tried off and on to incorporate these 4 behaviors each day. When I get it right life is happier. So that's my goal - to make it part of my life, forever. Each day I wake up and immediately pray and read my scriptures (spiritual), then I do my workout and have a healthy breakfast (and continue to eat clean and balanced throughout the day: physical), I do special time with Abby, Mikey, and Ryan (social - I do things with friends and extended family as well, but not daily), and I study how to be a better coach and a better parent (I love Positive Parenting Solutions: mental). This is not just a fitness journey for me, this is about health for my whole soul, living a balanced life.

 ‪#‎abalancedlife‬ ‪#‎healthysouls‬ ‪#‎myjourney‬

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