I feel like there are so many different ways to be in bondage - physical pain, addictions, frustration over circumstances outside of our control, etc. But always if we turn to our Lord he will deliver us!
Fried egg grilled cheese sandwiches. They're amazing. It's important that you fry the egg the right way. No slimy eggs, no hard yolks. Check out my sister's blog to learn how to make them the right way. So, when I'm making these addictive sandwiches I first make the eggs. Then I do the sandwich. I like cheese on both sides of the eggs, so I slice the cheese thin and put it on top of buttered bread. Medium heat. Let the cheese melt, then assemble the sandwiches. Poke a hole in the yolk sac, squeeze the yolk out, then spread it around. That's it. So easy. Put it with some salad and some fruit and you have all food groups represented. That's it. Try it and let me know what you think. #quickeasyhealthydelicious#yourewelcome#foodaddictions#beachbodycoach
Before I became a mom I studied the brain. (This image is from one of the studies I did back then.) I love learning about the brain!
Confession #3. I’m a hypocrite. Well, that might not be exactly the right word, but I can’t think of a more appropriate one. Let me explain. I’m a neuroscientist. After I graduated I did a post-doctorate at The Center for Brain Health. When I interviewed there one of the lab techs told me about a book about the Nun Study. It’s about this study done on a bunch of nuns from one convent where they looked at different factors and how they correlated with dementia. I was fascinated so I read the book. It is “Aging With Grace” by David Snowdon and is one of my favorite books. He looked at several different factors such as education, socializing, exercise, diet, faith, linguistic ability, community, and attitude correlated both with symptoms of dementia and senile plaques (markers of dementia seen in the brain upon dissection). Now, we all know that a healthy diet and regular exercise are important for our hearts and bodies in general, but this study showed that these things are important for healthy cognitive functioning as they had a strong negative correlation with dementia (meaning the more they exercised and/or ate healthy the less likely someone was to have dementia). Also, one of the perks of working at The Center for Brain Health was that at least once a week we had lunch catered and got to hear people talk about their research findings. These were all talks about brain health, as you could guess. Well, a few of the talks showed correlations similar to what was found in the nun study, that exercise was correlated with better cognitive performance, as was healthy diet. These studies weren’t just with older adults like the nun study, many of these participants were young. I did my post-doc from 2008-2011, so it’s been a while since I learned these things. And since then I’ve taught them to other people. So the somewhat hypocritical aspect is that even though I know the importance of exercise and diet for both a healthy body and a healthy brain, I have never been consistent. Well, I’ve eaten healthy but not as healthy or balanced as I should. And I have never exercised consistently over more than a few months tops. But I’m determined to mend my ways and be living proof of this knowledge I have. #eatyourveggies#exercisematters#confessionsofabeachbodycoach#recoveringhypocrite
Have you thought about wellness is, about being fully healthy. Here is what it means to me... balance. I have been thinking a lot this past week or so about fitness, health, Beachbody coaching, etc. I took a week off of posting on here to just think (did you miss me at all?). I wanted to be certain that coaching was for me before I really dove in and committed. I thought I had done that before I started posting a few weeks ago, but then I got unsure. It was taking time, and effort. Posting on Facebook doesn't come easy to me, to tell you the truth. I like reading other people's posts and am happy to comment, but I don't usually share much about my personal life. And I wasn't sure it was worth the commitment to Beachbody. But after all this contemplation I have decided I'm committed. There are LOTS of reasons for this, and I'll share them all, eventually. But the main thing I have been thinking about lately is balance. First I thought about balance with my meals. That is what really drew me to the 21 Day Fix. It taught me how to eat a balanced diet in a way I could understand and live on a daily basis. I also thought about balanced exercise. Another thing I like about 21 Day Fix is that it incorporates cardio, strength, and stretching - all of which are super important in a exercise program, and I think it's a pretty good balance of the 3. But this week I've been thinking about a balanced life. I've been in pursuit of a balanced life for as long as I've been trying to balance my diet and exercise. I'm still a work in progress. But I'm making progress, and that's the important thing. I have been following a blog for over 8 years now. It's my friend Stephanie's blog,adailyscoop.blogspot.com. I started reading it after her daughter Camille drowned. Following the passing of her daughter she often wrote about how important it was for her to daily do something from each of the four areas of health - something physical, something mental, something spiritual, and something social. (I think Stephen R Covey may be the one who introduced this concept in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.) I have tried off and on to incorporate these 4 behaviors each day. When I get it right life is happier. So that's my goal - to make it part of my life, forever. Each day I wake up and immediately pray and read my scriptures (spiritual), then I do my workout and have a healthy breakfast (and continue to eat clean and balanced throughout the day: physical), I do special time with Abby, Mikey, and Ryan (social - I do things with friends and extended family as well, but not daily), and I study how to be a better coach and a better parent (I love Positive Parenting Solutions: mental). This is not just a fitness journey for me, this is about health for my whole soul, living a balanced life. #abalancedlife#healthysouls#myjourney
I read some of King Benjamin's address in The Book Of Mormon this morning. Here is what stood out to me the most. I always feel the power of my creator when I'm out viewing His creations!
Several months ago my friend and coach, Allison Costa, posted a list of several super foods. I don’t remember what all was on the list (I know kale and avacados but don’t remember the rest) but as I read through it was pleased to see that I regularly incorporated in my diet all of them. All but one that is. The one I didn’t consume was hemp seeds. I’d never even heard of eating hemp seeds. So, of course, I decided to look into them. Google hemp seed health benefits – there are lots. They are a great source of whole protein as well as fatty acids. I bought some a couple months ago, and then let them sit in my pantry because I didn’t know what to do with them. A day or two ago I decided to mix them in with Mikey’s food – he loves meat but doesn’t always get it if it’s too hard for him to chew – I thought it would be a good way to increase his protein. He seemed to like his food. And then this morning when I was making my egg scramble I figured what the heck, might as well try it, and I added a tablespoon or two. Hemp seeds don’t have a very strong flavor and I really didn’t notice any difference in taste. There was a little difference in texture but not unpleasant. I think I’ll do it again. #hempseeds#tryityoulllikeit#quickeasyhealthydelicious#beachbodycoach#realfood
We live in an incredible world - every day I am a witness to things that tell me there is a supreme creator, that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father that LOVES ME!
When I got my first group of friends together for an accountability and support group I really did it for selfish reasons - I needed the motivation to stay committed to completing the 21 Day Fix program - both the eating and workout parts. Luckily, the group and commitment didn't just benefit me, we all were helped by it. We were all hoping for our bodies to downsize. And we did, we all shrunk. But one of my friends didn't shrink as much as she hoped. However, what she got from it was something none of us were anticipating when we first committed, and way more important than size. She ended up having to have surgery last week. She had 3 incisions in her abdomen. The doctor said the recovery can take up to 2 months - it was fairly brutal. But from her workouts and healthy eating she got stronger, lots stronger. And that strength has made her recovery easier and quicker. She is feeling great! She knows she is doing so much better than she would have been had she not challenged herself to get more fit. Getting fit isn't about what size pants you fit into - it's about getting healthier, stronger, feeling better in all aspects of your life and about who you are. I love doing support and accountability groups because I love being part of these positive changes people are experiencing (I'm selfish like that wink emotico).
Confession #2. When I first started doing 21 Day Fix I was so weak I couldn't really do push-ups, not real ones. Embarrassing, I know. But I have always had wimpy arms, and I was okay with it. When it came time to do push-ups I just did them on my knees. Abby used to ask me why I was doing them wrong - I told her I wasn't strong enough. But I have gotten stronger and the past two times (including this morning) when it came time to do push-ups I did real ones - on my feet. I take them slow, but I do them. Now, Abby tells me "You can do them on your knees, you're not strong enough." Haha. Well, she isn't ALWAYS right. And soon she will know her mama can do hard things and get stronger and I CAN do push-ups. #confessionsofabeachbodycoach #icandohardthings#strongereveryday
So this one was kind of different, but good. I'll call it Italian Stir-fry. Spray a frying pan with some EVOO. Add a cup of bite-sized veggies per person (I used asparagus, carrots, onion, bell pepper, and celery) and season with Mediterranean seasoning or Italian herbs, garlic powder, and sea salt (or just use garlic salt). Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, 5-10 minutes (to desired tenderness - if they seem like they are cooking too slowly put a lid on.) While they're cooking cut chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces - 1/4-1/2 breast per person (I just use kitchen scissors for cutting because it's easy and quick). Once veggies are done put them in a bowl, then throw the chicken in the pan and cook it exactly the same way. I suppose you could cook it all together but the chicken cooks faster than the veggies and I figured the veggies might as well be cooking while I do the chicken. Plus, if you happen to have a vegetarian eating with you (which we did not) you won't poison them with your meat. Serve veggies and chicken over quinoa, or not, whatever you prefer. #quickeasyhealthydelicious#realfood#beachbodycoach
Pork chops are another quick easy dinner idea. I just lightly coat a frying pan with EVOO or coconut oil, warm it over medium heat, put in the chops, season them how you like (I use all-purpose seasoning, garlic powder, and salt - or trade the last two for garlic salt) and cook for 2-5 minutes per side (depending on thickness.) Serve it with whatever you want. I like veggies and sweet potatoes. If you like sweet potatoes as sides but don't always have time to bake them you can either bake a bunch at the beginning of the week and then just reheat them as needed, or cook them in the microwave while whatever else you're making is cooking. Throw together a salad while your chop is cooking. Have some mixed berries for dessert if you have a hankering for something sweet. And there you have it - enjoy.
My schedule has been off the past several days. When I'm not on schedule it is so hard for me to get my workout in. I've been doing it, but it's been a struggle. A few months ago I wouldn't have. I would have used the things that came up as an excuse to just not do it. But being part of accountability and support groups is what makes me "replace excuses with effort" (that's what Autumn Calabrese told me today). I feel like I have to do my workout and stick to my diet or I'll let my team down. How do you ensure that you meet your fitness/health goals?
I have a confession. It is hard for me to keep to my fitness plan over the weekend. My schedule is different so it's hard to always find the best time to fit my workout in, sometimes I go out to eat with my family or go to social events with lots of tasty but forbidden treats making it harder to really stick to my eating plan, and being out and about makes it harder to drink all my water. I did get my workout in this morning but I just went out to eat with my family. I did decent with my food choice but it wasn't fix approved. I haven't drank as much water as I usually do by this time of day. But I'm still doing better in every area than I would have if I weren't trying, so...
I didn't develop an appreciation for any seafood until after I was married. Now, we eat fish fairly frequently. It is so easy to make. We have tilapia most often because it isn't very "fishy" and it isn't too expensive. I've grilled it (on a George Foreman), seared it in a pan, and broiled it. All are very quick and taste great. I just sprinkle on some seasoning (my favorites are a citrus mix and Old Bay) then cook a few minutes. I broiled this 1-2 minutes/side. You can pair it with whatever you like: grilled veggies, salad, pasta, rice, sweet potato, potato, whatever. Easy peasy. This asparagus is also super easy and quick. I cut into bite sized pieces - it's much easier to cut raw and firm, through it all in a produce bag, pour in a tsp or two of EVOO, sprinkle on some seasoning, bounce it around to distribute everything, put it on a cookie sheet and broil 5-10 minutes. #quickeasyhealthydelicious
I've been drinking Shakeology for 2 days now. Yesterday I noticed that I didn't get hungry and I didn't have cravings. Usually I chew several pieces of gum every day while doing 21 Day Fix to help with hunger and cravings. No gum chewing yesterday or today. I've been eating not because I'm hungry, just because it's time to eat. I have to remind myself to eat now and feel super full after eating any amount. Additionally, today I felt like I recovered after my workout (that was super hard for me and I hated - see previous post wink emoticon ) faster than I normally would. So far loving the affects of Shakeology. Abby likes to get a little each time too - it's so healthy so why not.
I did Lower Fix Extreme today. I always say Plyo is my least favorite workout, but as I was doing this today I questioned that - I hated this. For the same reason I hate plyo - so much jumping! BUT, today I did it with more weight than I ever have before. To be honest, that's not saying much, I was only holding two 10 pound weights, so not nearly as much as most people can probably do it with. But it doesn't matter what most people can do, I am getting stronger and healthier every day and I love it (even if I hate what it takes to make it happen.) In the workout today Autumn said "Stop saying tomorrow because you're only promised today." I agree.
Maybe you are needing something sweet but trying nut to eat sugar. Well here you go, banana ice cream. It is just bananas! I'll put a link to a full recipe in the comments but basically you just cut a banana into rounds, freeze them, then throw them in your food processor til you get this yumminess. You could add things for variety: strawberries (or any berries), cocoa powder, peanut butter, cinnamon, your favorite shakeology, etc. Our top it with some berries or homemade chocolate chips. Whatever your heart desires. One of the great things about this us it's so simple you can let your toddler make it, Abby did all it banana cutting. #quickprep#planahead#easyhealthydelicious
I love chicken. If I were to become vegetarian it is what I'd miss the most. I wish we had a grill, but we don't. So lately I've been broiling it. It's so fast and easy. I either pound it thin or slice it in half so it is. Season with sea salt, garlic powder, and all-purpose seasoning, then place under broiler 5 minutes per side. If I want to change it up I brush some all-fruit jam (I like peach and apricot) on each side for the last minute of cook time. Or bbq sauce, or whatever. So fast and easy and it's great to throw on top of a salad or along some steamed broccoli or whatever. Got fiber last night I had a mixed greens salad with carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, avocado, feta, and balsamic vinegar. Loved it! #yum#realfood#quickeasyhealthydelicioua#beachbodycoach
Veggie and egg scramble - I eat one almost every day. Basically a cup of veggies and 2 eggs scrambled. Here's how I most frequently make it: Spray pan with EVOO. Throw in 1/2 cup spinach, slice 1/2 cup grape tomatoes and throw it in, dice 1/4 cup bell pepper (it's about 1/8 - 1/4 of a pepper, depending on size - I don't like green ones but I rotate between other colors) and throw it in. Sprinkle veggies with sea sale or pink Himalayan salt (or a mix), beat two eggs in a bowl and pour it in, and scramble it all together. If I don't have plans for my blue container for the rest of the day I'll add 1/3 cup cheese, or top with avocados. Other veggies I like in there are kale and asparagus. I also love to scramble in fresh salsa!!! Find out what you like best. #yum#realfood#quickeasyhealthydelicious#beachbodycoach
I started 21 Day Fix Extreme again today. To be honest - I don't enjoy doing it. The first day is plyo, and I hate it. There's a lot of jumping, including jumping from lunges and single leg squats. It is hard for me. I feel like an idiot doing it and I'm sure I look ridiculous. But even though I struggle through those 30 minutes I am always proud of myself after. And I love that Abby always watches me and cheers me on (and lets me know when I'm not quite doing something right). And that I'm setting an example for her of the importance of regular exercise. And I feel better in general when I'm exercising. So even though those 30 minutes are rough, it's worth it!