Confession: I am not nearly as hardcore as I would like to think I am. I just got back from a nearly month-long vacation. I had intended to get a workout in every day. I intended to drink my Shakeology every day. I had intended to keep my nutrition closer to my ideal. However, none of these intentions were realized. While I was pretty active most days with hiking, swimming, carrying my son in a carrier while pushing my daughter in a stroller and walking tons, etc., I only did actual workouts a few times. Only on days when I felt like my body was mad at me for not doing a better job. I did drink my shakes several times, but not every day. They fill me up and there was lots of other stuff I wanted to eat. I ate mostly healthy stuff, but not balanced. And then there was the nightly ice cream when I was staying with my parents and sister. And that Cheesecake Factory cheesecake. Oops! And really, while I was visiting with my family and friends I was really just more focused on spending time with and enjoying them than sticking to my fitness goals. I gained 3 pounds during those 3.5 weeks. I'm not the best example I guess. But you know what, I'm okay with it. I've come to terms with the fact that I don't love working out and probably never will. I am not a gym rat. I usually feel pretty good whether I exercise or not. I feel better when I do, but the difference isn't drastic for me. Same with eating balanced, I feel better when I do, and I do feel gross when I've eaten lots of fat or sugar, but since I generally eat healthy things I feel fine most of the time. But, I'm also a researcher. I know from the research I have done that regular exercise is good for me - for my body and my brain. Same with eating balanced, clean foods. Same with Shakeology. These things are all good for me,. Whether I feel hugely different when I do them or not I know intellectually that they help me be healthier now and are an investment in my future health. So, MOST OF THE TIME, I will keep doing them on a daily basis. But once in a while, like when I'm on vacation, I may not be 100% faithful, and I'm okay with it. I don't think I will have any long-term negative affects as a result. But that's just me :). What do you think? But, FYI, I'm back in the game now :).
#confessionsofabachbodycoach #vacation #threeandahalfweeksoffun #familyandfriends #fitnessfail #worthit #yourhealthandfitnesscoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife
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