Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Roasted Green Beans

By far, my favorite way to cook vegetables is to roast them. I love them slightly crisp, and the sweetness that comes form them caramelizing a bit. I haven't found a veggie yet that I don't like roasted. Admittedly, I haven't tried them all, like I've never roasted lettuce. But all the ones I've tried roasting I have enjoyed. And green beans are definitely not an exception. Crispy roasted green beans are a-ma-zing! And they make a great side to pretty much any dinner.

Roasted Green Beans

  • Green Beans
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Garlic Salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Rinse green beans and trim ends. I like to break them all in half so they fit in my mouth without having to cut them later, but it's not necessary. Throw them all in a produce bag, or a ziplock bag. Pour in some olive oil. This is one of those annoying recipes without exact measurements, because I never measure since I have different amounts of green beans each time. Basically you want enough EVOO to coat the beans but not drown them. I'd say I usually pour in about 1 tbs EVOO per pound of beans. Then sprinkle on garlic salt to taste. Spin the top of the bag (or zip it), then bounce the beans around until they are evenly coated with EVOO and garlic salt. Lay them out in a single layer on a foil lined cookie sheet (it just makes clean up easier, but isn't necessary). Put them in heated oven until they start to get crispy, about 30 minutes. That's it, easy peasy and so delicious!

#roastedgreenbeans #yumyumyum #realfood #realfoodthattastesgood #21dayfixapproved #cizefood #eatyourveggies #vegetables #cleaneating #wholefood #easyhealthydelicious #yourbeachbodycoach #wholesoulfitness #abalancedlife

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